Reunion Committee
We appreciate all the notes, suggestions, bright ideas, materials, and ultimately the participation of our fellow alumni that made this event happen. Your ideas, critiques, and efforts helped us achieve the “trilogue” of Page’s dreams. If you don’t find your name on this list, it is only because our deadlines precluded us from adding you.
Special mention goes to…
The Central Committee
Stephen Klein
Florence Nelson
Nadene Thorne Davis
Field Marshalls
Alan Christy, Provost
Alice Folkins, Cowell College Academic Manager
Kayla Judd, Assistant Director, Alumni Engagement
Tauna Coulson, Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery Curator
UC Santa Cruz Zoom Corps
Michael Dorn
Craig Graffin
George Kraw
Steve Miller
Kathleen Roberts
David Stanford
Jon Silver
Frank Zwart
Content Leaders
Frank Abe
Michael Adcock
Adilah Barnes
Ramah Commanday
Holly Downing
Daniel Goldstein
Alesa Lightbourne
Patty Nelson Limerick
Kyle Robertson
Joszeph Schultz
Eric Thiermann
Cameron Vanderscoff
Cecilia Hlavaty vonBerholdingen
Diane Lucas Walton