Enrolling in Winter Classes

Your Enrollment Appointment

Enrollment appointments are posted during advising week each quarter. You can view your enrollment appointments by logging in to your Student Portal, going to Main Menu, selecting the My Student Center folder, selecting the My Student Center page, and looking at the "Enrollment Dates" section on the right-hand side. Click the "Details" link to see information on appointment times and number of credits in which you may enroll.

UCSC utilizes a 2 pass enrollment system. During your first enrollment appointment, you will be able to enroll in up to 14 credits. You will then have a later enrollment appointment where you can enroll in up to 19 credits and waitlist up to 10 credits.

During your first pass of enrollment for Winter quarter, you should prioritize enrolling in courses that are important for making progress towards your degree or towards your major. Likely this means enrolling in (1) an appropriate writing course and (2) a course related to your major. During your second pass, you would enroll in another course for your major, a course for a parallel major, a General Education course or an elective.

Check out the Registrar’s Frequently Asked Questions on Enrollment Appointments for more information!


Work on your Writing Requirement (ELWR, C)!

Completing your entry level writing requirement is a priority for your first year at UCSC. We also recommend you try to have your C requirement completed by the end of the Winter quarter of your first year. You need to have your ELWR completed by your 3rd quarter of enrollment (4th if you were placed in Writ 25) at UCSC and your C completed by your 6th quarter of enrollment in order to remain a continuing student at UCSC.

*If you did not pass your Core Course in Fall, contact the Cowell Advising Office to discuss next steps!


Selecting your Classes

As mentioned above, taking a writing class should definitely be a priority during your second quarter. Your other two courses can help you make progress towards a major, work on identifying or making progress on a parallel plan, explore new subject areas, or fulfill degree requirements!

The UCSC Undergraduate Advising website has great resources to help you put togehter your plan for Winter quarter enrollment.


Parallel Planning

Over 70% of students change their major at some point during their time at college. We encourage you to start thinking of a back-up major now, both so you are aware of all the opportunities and possibilities at UCSC and in the event that your major is not all you thought it would be, you are not behind on working towards your degree.

We refer to this back-up major as a “parallel plan” because we encourage you to work on requirements for this other major, while you are also taking requirements for your proposed major. You will be working on this plan in parallel to your proposed major. Even if you end up going with your first major, by taking classes towards a parallel plan, you may be on track to declare that parallel plan as a minor or even a second major!

So how does parallel planning impact your winter quarter enrollment? For that third class on your schedule, think about enrolling in a class for your parallel plan or to explore a possible parallel plan!

If you have any questions on enrolling in courses for Winter quarter, Cowell Advisers are here to help; come see us!