Cowell Faculty

Dion N Farquhar
  • Title
    • Lecturer
  • Division Undergraduate Education
  • Department
    • Crown College
    • Cowell College
  • Affiliations Cowell College, Crown College, Porter College
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Office Location
    • Cowell College Library, Cowell -- Room 182
    • Crown 122
  • Office Hours T/Th, 7:15-8:00 a.m.; noon-1:00 p.m.
  • Mail Stop Merrill/Crown Faculty Services
  • Mailing Address
    • 1156 High Street
    • Santa Cruz CA 95064

Summary of Expertise

Literary theory, political theory, literature, and poetry

Biography, Education and Training

Poet, theorist, loves teaching

Selected Publications

  • Wonderful Terrible []
  • Feet First
  • Cleaving (poetry chapbook)
  • The Other Machine

Teaching Interests

Literature, poetry,  feminist theory, critical race theory, globalization, creative writing