Get Involved at Cowell

September 14, 2015

By , Associate College Programs Coordinator (831) 459-2255

Cowell students! We students and staff of Cowell are very excited to see you soon.

Whether you'll be living at Cowell or elsewhere, on- or off- campus, we hope you get involved this year at the college.

Please complete this 3-minute online form regarding Cowell College opportunities.

Based on your answers, you will receive emails about various Cowell opportunities: fun, leadership, community service and more, such as Cowell's
  • Dizikes Art Cases (showcases student work)
  • Event Crew
  • Photographer Team
  • Entertainment Co-op
  • Senate (student government)
  • Process to apply to be a Resident Assistant, Welcome Leader, or Academic Peer Advisor (for next year)

We'll get you details on the areas that intrigue you. Just complete the form, then watch your email in the coming months!